What is community energy and why is it important?

Community energy
Community energy

Community energy encompasses a wide range of projects that are characterised by their focus on reducing our carbon footprint, localising our energy supply and taking control of our energy systems. 

Projects are designed to:

  • reflect the motivations and aspirations of the local community;
  • maximise local ownership and decision making;
  • share the financial benefits widely;
  • match energy production to local usage.

One of the strengths of community energy is that every project is slightly different, being tailored to each community’s needs and context. Projects can be as small as helping people switch to less expensive energy plans, or as large as building a solar or wind farm.

Community energy projects are important because they help create social, political, environmental, economic and technological benefits by:

  • strengthening local economies;
  • building community participation, resilience and empowerment;
  • educating people about renewable energy and involving them in creating a sustainable low carbon future;
  • directly and significantly reducing a community’s carbon footprint;  and
  • developing renewable energy industries, technology, jobs and training.

To learn about other Australian community energy programs go to:

Community Power Agency
SolarShare Canberra
Community Energy 4 Goulburn
Repower Shoalhaven
Hepburn Wind