Home Energy Project

Want to know how you can reduce your energy needs and save on energy bills?

Home Energy Project
Understand your energy bills

Energise Gloucester is about to launch a new project aimed at helping you understand your energy bills, choose the best plan for you, and reduce your energy needs.

We have undertaken training, kindly hosted free of charge by Enova Energy  By the time the current coronavirus pandemic is under control and we are free to move around again, we will kick this project off by hosting a “speed-date” meeting where you can bring your energy bills to us for advice.  

Advice includes:

  • helping you understand your electricity bill (every energy company has a different format and some are rather confusing);
  • how to make the best use of your electricity to meet your needs;
  • how to get the best price from your energy company;
  • how to decide the right company for you (we don’t support any particular energy retailer - we just want to help you find what’s best for you. Everyone’s situation is different);
  • letting you know what the NSW government can offer you in the way of rebates and loans (there are several available right now);
  • tips on how to save energy in your home (you can get some information [here – link to FAQ] about this as well).

If you wish, we can follow up with a visit to your home to identify further actions you can take to reduce your energy footprint or simply the amount of money you pay. We are about to purchase a heat-sensitive camera which can show you where your house is leaking heat in the winter (or cool air in the summer).

In the meantime, we are working hard to develop privacy rules to keep your information secure, safety rules to keep our energy advisors safe, and procedures to streamline the process.